Every woman's path to motherhood is unique, laden with hopes, challenges, and dreams. At Nature's Gift Acupuncture, we harmoniously combine the age-old wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine with modern research to provide holistic support. We nourish both your body and mind, with expertise passed down from generations of TCM fertility masters.

TCM for Fertility, Pregnancy, and Beyond

Unveiling the Full Scope of Fertility with TCM

In the realm of fertility, where medical paths like IUI and IVF offer promise, acupuncture amplifies their potential. But beyond just aiding conception, TCM's approach values the well-being of the mother throughout her journey. By thriving, a mother sets the stage for her child to flourish.

Here, our TCM perspective offers renewed hope for the riddle of "unexplained infertility", which often leaves many in despair. Rather than just a reproductive challenge, we discern broader imbalances within the body and mind. For those considering IVF, we recommend at least three months of our holistic care. It's like preparing a garden's soil, ensuring the body is at its best to receive and nurture new life.


Acupuncture alleviates stress and fosters optimal conditions for natural conception and successful IVF outcomes. During pregnancy, it offers relief without relying on medications, enhancing the overall experience, and facilitating smoother deliveries, including addressing breech presentations. Post-partum, it aids in swift recovery and mitigates the risk of depression.

Chinese herbal medicine nurtures the body, creating an ideal environment for natural conception and amplifying the chances of IVF success. Throughout pregnancy, these time-tested remedies provide holistic relief and well-being, especially when traditional medications might be off-limits. Especially for those with a history of recurrent miscarriages, Chinese herbs can be a beacon of hope; even in situations where vaginal bleeding has occurred but ultrasound results remain promising, these herbs have proven effective in preventing miscarriage and sustaining the pregnancy. Athe journey progresses towards childbirth, Chinese herbs can support smoother deliveries and correct fetal positioning issues, such as breech presentations. In the post-partum phase, they play a vital role in hastening recovery and reducing the potential onset of depression.

By stimulating better blood flow to the uterus, it not only aids in implantation but also plays a pivotal role in preventing miscarriage. Especially when vaginal bleeding occurs during pregnancy, moxa can be instrumental in arresting such bleeding, thus ensuring the safety of both mother and baby. Furthermore, beyond its fertility-enhancing and protective functions, moxa has been effectively used to address breech presentations. Through the gentle warming of specific acupuncture points, it encourages the baby to adjust into the best position for birth, facilitating smoother deliveries and minimizing potential complications.

By stimulating better blood flow to the uterus, it not only aids in implantation but also plays a pivotal role in preventing miscarriage. Especially when vaginal bleeding occurs during pregnancy, moxa can be instrumental in arresting such bleeding, thus ensuring the safety of both mother and baby. Furthermore, beyond its fertility-enhancing and protective functions, moxa has been effectively used to address breech presentations. Through the gentle warming of specific acupuncture points, it encourages the baby to adjust into the best position for birth, facilitating smoother deliveries and minimizing potential complications.

Unexplained infertility: 

Even if your lab results are normal, it doesn't negate subtle disharmonies within the body that may not impact the tests. We begin with a pattern diagnosis to identify the root of the issue. Irregular, painful periods with clots or dark brown blood indicate a need for regulation. A consistently light period requires intervention. And if your menstruation seems normal but conception remains elusive, often the issue is insufficient nourishment, a frequent cause of secondary infertility, where conceiving after a first child proves challenging.


Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine enhance IUI/IVF journeys, improving success odds by boosting egg quality and quantity. Acupuncture reduces stress, linked to higher success rates, and alleviates IVF hormone side effects. Pairing herbal medicine with acupuncture is ideal for multiple IVF attempts or future planning, optimizing fertility conditions. This holistic strategy aims for optimal fertility outcomes.


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) supports perinatal care for both mother and child. TCM prevents miscarriages, eases discomforts, and addresses challenges during pregnancy using acupuncture and other techniques. TCM readies the body for labor and aids postpartum recovery, ensuring holistic care from pregnancy to childbirth and beyond.


In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), childbirth depletes energy and blood reserves. Post-partum recovery is vital for physical and emotional well-being, fostering the mother-child bond. TCM sees the 1-6 months post-childbirth as 'golden' for long-term health. Neglecting this phase can lead to health issues like allergies and fatigue. Post-partum depression in TCM is linked to emotional distress and energetic exhaustion, extending beyond sadness. It emphasizes nourishment and balance.

Acupuncture breaks anxiety cycle

"Despite seeing a psychiatrist, taking anti-depressants, and undergoing talk therapy, my high-functioning anxiety kept me in a relentless cycle of tension, accompanied by night sweats. After introducing weekly acupuncture and Chinese herbal remedies from Nature's Gift Acupuncture, I've experienced genuine relaxation for the first time in years"



Chinese herbs restore sleep

"Frustrated by unsuccessful attempts, I sought relief for my sleep troubles through acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. I have had issues falling asleep and staying asleep for as long as I can remember. Accustomed to lengthy waits and dismissive doctors, Qianlei was a refreshing change. Unlike my Western medical experiences, she's attentive, always accessible for questions, and most importantly, I've witnessed remarkable progress. I no longer experience sleepless nights or wake up with headaches!! Without a doubt, this journey has been life-changing, and I highly recommend Qianlei!"


Philp S

Your period's savage

"I have endometriosis and used to take 10 Ibuprofens a day during my period. I also go to ER sometimes due to my pain. I didn't need to do any of those this past period"


Tkeyah L

Solution to unexplained infertility 

"My husband and I were trying to conceive for the past year and had no success. I was beyond frustrated because all the tests were normal. I've been going to Qianlei weekly for the past three months or so, and then I got pregnant! I am 25-week pregnant now."


Shirley, C

Qianlei's method averts knee surgery

"After my meniscus surgery, persistent knee pain had me fearing a knee replacement. I turned to Qianlei in desperation. Just two months in, the pain and swelling dramatically reduced. Thanks to her, I've avoided another surgery and can move freely again."


Mary, R

instant migraine relief

"I went in with a migraine and left without one. You are such a lifesaver."


Amy D

Alleviating Pain and Balancing Hormones

"Qianlei is an incredibly skilled, compassionate, and intuitive acupuncturist. I couldn't recommend her enough. I sought out her services to address chronic pain in my jaw and lower back, as well as Chinese herbal medicine for hormonal imbalance. Every treatment I left her office feeling less pain, more easeful, and feeling deeply cared for. As a result of my sessions with Qianlei, I adapted a regular herbal medicine and acupuncture routine that has helped my overall health in the long term. Thank you so much, Qianlei for your magic!"

Chronic pain

Yoojin K

hormonal imbalance

long-standing indigestion resolved

"I first started Qianlei for my back pain. Once that started feeling better, I mentioned my lifelong digestion issues to her. Honestly I wasn't hopeful that she could help me with it, but I figured why not give it a try? I used to feel loads of acid on mornings and will absolutely have sleepless night after eating a slightly big meal. After regular acupuncture and taking those daily herbal mixes, I can't believe I'm saying this... I enjoyed pizza without any drama! Haven’t felt that nasty acid in months now."


Ginny, T

Breakthrough pain relief with acupuncture

I was experiencing arthritic pain in the right thumb and wrist. The traditional Doctor did not promise much hope other than an uncertain operation or pain medication. Friends of mine recommended acupuncture. I was a sceptic, not expecting much, but thought why not try it. And thanks to Qianlei, I quickly experienced improvement. I highly recommended Qianlei. She absolutely helped me.


Steven, T